Jonathan Cassie and Tracy Wazenegger
In a career spanning a period of immense change in a global society, Jon has worked with young, creative student leaders in schools across the country teaching English, entrepreneurship, history, game design, Latin, and philosophy. Jon has hired and helped develop the professional talents of highly talented educators who have gone on to develop innovative programs in their schools. His book on gamified instruction, Level Up Your Classroom, was published in 2016.
As a veteran educator and long-time gamer, Tracy is enthusiastically exploring and bringing gamification to her classroom learning communities. She's the organizer for the Pittsburgh chapter of the National Coalition of Gamers and hosts many gaming events every month, such as MEEPLE. When she's not gaming, she's exploring the world, planning another trip, or diving into new games and new experiences—how about a content-driven escape room in your class? Yes, please!