
A Parent's Guide To Talking About Minecraft

Minecraft is not just a video game, it is also a community and a movement. With over 200 million copies sold, Minecraft is the most downloaded video game of all time. It reaches across the world and into our homes.

The goal of this course to develop a basic Minecraft vocabulary so that parents can have authentic, engagement conversations with their children about the game. A strong Minecraft vocabulary is one of the many tools that parents can add to their communication tool belt.

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Created by Nathan Nance
7 lessons
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About the author

1 course

The two hats I am most proud to wear is husband and father. I think that men should continue to date their spouses long after they are married. I firmly believe that families should spend more time around the dinner table – eating, talking, and playing games. I am just a normal guy that wants to live an extraordinary life. I hope the same for you.