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Negotiate Effectively: Research Opposition

This lesson is a part of an audio course Negotiate Effectively by Barbara J. Bruno

Get Social

Social Media has made it easy to conduct research on your counterpart before you meet them. LinkedIn has over 500 million+ members and is the social network for professionals to connect, share insights, and learn. It is also where you can find common connections you may share with your counterpart.

It is smart to mention your common connections at strategic portions of your negotiation process. Research what groups your opposition supports on LinkedIn and join the groups.

Identify the Decision Maker

Negotiating is a process. You may initially negotiate details with a non-decision maker but, knowing who the ultimate decision-maker is giving you an advantage. Consider downloading the chrome extension This will provide you with a mini DiSC profile on your counterpart, and this information can help you position yourself in a way that would provide you with the best results.

Negotiation Social Styles

There are four social styles that you may encounter when negotiating. I will identify the four styles and then provide you with tips on how to effectively negotiate with them.

The four social styles are:

  1. Driver.
  2. Expressive.
  3. Amiable.
  4. Analytical.

First is the Driver. This person is assertive but not necessarily very responsive. They are decisive, determined, and focus on the task at hand. Efficiency and effectiveness drive them, and they show little emotion. They can be impatient, a poor listener, tough, and pretty much a control freak.

To negotiate with a Driver, ask questions about specific actions and results. Refer to facts and logic rather than opinions. Be assertive and keep the discussion formal, efficient, and to the point. Do not invade their personal space and do not share testimonials, and they prefer to hear options and facts.

Second is the Expressive. This person is intuitive, assertive, and responsive, impulsive, reactive, and can reach decisions spontaneously. They place more importance on relationships than tasks. They can be emotionally expressive, sometimes dramatic, have a short attention span, well-liked with a flexible agenda. They are enthusiastic, talkative, gregarious, but have strong persuasive skills. They are creative, optimistic, and take risks.

To negotiate with an Expressive, seek opinions in an area where you want to achieve a mutual understanding. Your discussions should be people as well as fact-oriented. Keep summarizing and use short fast-moving stories. Close them in a friendly way and discuss the future as well as the present. Remember, they will often impulse buy.

Third is the Amiable. This person is not assertive but very responsive and dependent on others. They are respectful, willing, and agreeable. They are everyone's friend, supportive, emotionally expressive, soft-hearted, and overly sensitive. They like security and are a low-risk taker. They are not overly goal-oriented and prefer to work in a group.

To negotiate with an Amiable– seek common ground and ask about their personal interests and family. Be patient and avoid going for what appears to be an easy pushover. Use personal assurance and specific guarantees but avoid providing multiple options and probabilities. Take time to be agreeable, focus discussion on how and demonstrate a very low-risk solution. Do not take advantage of their good nature because they will see right through it.

Fourth is the Analytical. This person is not assertive, not responsive but is precise, orderly, and business-like. They are self-controlled, serious, rational, and can be cooperative. They are motivated by facts and logic and are not quick to make decisions. They like details, want everything in writing, are security conscious, and often distrust persuasive people. They are excellent problem solvers but can be skeptical, critical, and aloof. They prefer rigid timetables.

To negotiate with an Analytical stick to specifics, they expect salespeople to overstate. They avoid risk and make decisions based on facts and logic. Tell them what your product or service won't do, and you will gain their respect because they have already identified the deficiencies. Establishing relationships will take time and become less responsive and less assertive. Discuss the reasons and ask why? They will provide you with facts.

Negotiating can be stressful, especially if you do not negotiate often. However, knowing how to effectively negotiate with the four most common styles will provide you with a competitive edge. Also, don't forget to obtain a mini-DiSC profile by downloading the chrome extension

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Written by

Barbara J. Bruno

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