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30 Biggest Mistakes You Need to Stop Making During an Argument

Image Description MindCups
7 lessons
1h 18m

Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument is an exchange of ignorance. In this course, you'll learn the 30 things that are stopping your quarrels, debates, disagreements, and conflicts with people from reaching a sound resolution. We'll explore the critical errors that you make in how you communicate, in your mindset, and in the substance of your disputes. Then, we'll dive into your defensive strategies, your offense, and how you should seek resolutions. Learning how to handle conflict will make a substantial difference in all areas of your life. Today is the day to get it...

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The Nature of Effective Communication

Image Description Dr. Dalton Kehoe
7 lessons

We talk to people every day. Our behavior is mostly automatic, and most of the time, it works. When it doesn't, however, we are mystified, frustrated, or angered. These negative feelings are rarely focused on our selves but almost always on the other person. In this course, you will discover how talk really works so you can take responsibility for your words and talk in a way that allows the other to understand you even in the most difficult moments.

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Handling Difficult People

Image Description Chris Croft
9 lessons

This course is designed to help you handle all kinds of difficult people. You will learn how to identify the main types of people and how to deal with each of them so you are ready for anything. The objective is to understand what’s going on, remain calm, and get the outcome you want from any interaction you may have, however difficult the other person may be. Over nine audio lessons, you will gain skills in understanding and influencing different personality types, modifying your own scripts, handling aggression, fogging, using the best words in difficult situations, and dealing with...

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Negotiate Effectively

Image Description Barbara J. Bruno
11 lessons
1h 12m

Throughout your life and career, your ability to negotiate is critical. You will learn how to master the art of negotiating while reaching agreeable resolutions. You will learn how to master negotiating skills, define your objective, strengthen your position, and effectively close. As a result, you will be able to improve conditions of contracts, negotiate a better compensation package, lower the sale price of a house, or even get a better deal on a car. If you want better results in your life, this course is for you!

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Run Brilliant Brainstorms

Image Description Paul Sloane
9 lessons

Unlock the creativity in you and your team by learning how to run really effective brainstorms. This course gives you ten powerful methods that displace people out of their comfort zones and enable them to generate many radical ideas. You learn how to facilitate the event, produce creative proposals, and select the winners.

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How to Present Like a Professional Speaker

Image Description Andy Edwards
10 lessons
1h 5m

"Occasional" speakers – often experts in their respective fields, or senior staff in an organisation, are often asked to make a presentation at a conference or meeting. If that's you (or might be you in the future), then the goal of this course is to provide you with the guidance you need to present in a confident and engaging way. There are a few big – huge mistakes that most non-professional speakers make… the elimination of which would see your efforts far better received by the audience. This course will give you the pitfalls to avoid and the "Must Do's" before, during, and after your...

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Confident Conflict Management

Image Description Martin Probst
10 lessons

This course is designed to equip you with a deep understanding of what is really driving conflict and how to achieve positive outcomes when dealing with employees, colleagues, managers, or any other people you regularly interact with. Positive relationships and a safe environment are not only essential for your success, but equally important for your health and wellbeing. A range of conflicts can easily interrupt all of this. Here is the upside: this course will provide you with well-tested strategies you can learn to apply so that conflicts can be identified, dealt with, and resolved quickly.

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Negotiation Skills

Image Description Chris Croft
10 lessons

In this negotiation course, you will learn simple but effective techniques that can save you money both at home and at work, buying or selling. Whether you’ve never negotiated before or you’ve been doing it for a while, this course will certainly give you some new practical tips to use straight away.

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Persuasion Science Masterclass

Image Description Andy Luttrell
20 lessons
1h 11m

Influencing other people can be next to impossible if you don’t know how. Research in psychology, however, has developed a set of core principles that underlie people’s willingness to say “yes” to a request. In this course, you’ll learn these principles as well as how to apply them in everyday situations. Get ready to skyrocket your influence!

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Interview Skills

Image Description Ross Maynard
11 lessons
1h 2m

Interviews can be daunting. Many of us get stressed and anxious when thinking about an impending interview, and this can affect our preparation, as well as our poise on the day. Few of us like interviews, and we are not always great at presenting ourselves in an interview. This course is designed to help. It will help you prepare for that interview and present yourself and your skills, experience, and capabilities to your best advantage during the interview.

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