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The Power of Positivity

Negativity is all around us, and it is easy to get sucked in. When we put negativity out into the world, negativity is what we will get back in return. Training your mind to think positive thoughts will impact every aspect of your life. In this course, you will learn about how to apply new habits to your daily life. By the end, you will see how your life will change for the better by adding more positivity!

How to Be Psychic: Develop Your Inner Powers

We all have psychic powers within us that are simply waiting to be awakened. This course is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about how to be a psychic. In this easy to follow course, we will learn how to uncover our hidden clairvoyant gifts, test our remote viewing abilities, read psychic impressions through touch, read auras, and learn how to contact our guardian spirit. This course also covers the basics of psychic protection and creative visualization training, which will help to improve your abilities even further.

What Is Intuition and How to Use It to Grow Your Career and Life

In this course, Colleen guides you to understand what intuition is and how do you use to it start achieving your goals, creating better relationships, and create multiple streams of income. Colleen goes through understanding how to start creating sustainable success now that will last you for a lifetime through impact and income. Colleen shares many modalities and practices you can implement to understand how intuition can be used to give you the courage to chase your dreams and create massive success. These practices are what have empowered her to create a multiple 6 figure business and...

Developing Intuition

This "Developing Intuition" course is an opportunity to deepen not only your understanding of what Intuition is but also your intuitive abilities. You will learn some theories about Intuition in the fields of religion, healing, the science of the body, and the science of the mind. You will learn some practices with Mindfulness and meditations to deepen your Intuition. You'll also learn about using tools of Intuition and how to apply this to your daily life.

Get Inspired: Explore Your City

We all want to produce better work — in our own way and style. We want to create something meaningful and make a difference. And for this we need inspiration. But too often we go after convenient inspiration, rather than effective inspiration. This class is about getting inspired by the city you live in or nearby. You'll learn why getting away from your desk and devices, and planning a day exploring your city, will inspire you in a deeper, truer, and more authentic way. The course covers where to go, what to bring, how to explore, and a bunch of other tips.

Finding Freedom from Shock and Trauma

This course is designed for those who work with trauma/shock survivors or those who are trauma/shock victims themselves and who have not yet found a way to collapse and clear any images/memories and resultant fears, anxieties, depression, or addictions. This is about helping others or oneself in FINDING FREEDOM from addictions, obsessions, compulsions, fears, phobias, anxieties, and trauma. It’s a guide to understanding the nature of PTSD and potential simple solutions to releasing the impacts of same. Discover the means by which an understanding of the origins, impact, and nature of shock...

Addiction: A Matter of Substance and Process

This course is designed for the lay-person or professional, who wishes to understand more about the many issues, paradoxes, and possibilities related to addiction, dependence, anxiety, depression, beliefs, and trauma. It is a primer on these subjects – but it also offers a fairly in-depth understanding of the subjects as well as options and process possibilities. Students will gain insight into the nature of these issues and will be presented with information, tools, techniques, resources, and medication options with which to challenge, "care-front," release and/or process the presenting...

Social Media Detox

An easy to follow course, helping people to regain their control over social media. We will dig deeper into the mechanics of our attachment to social media in order to understand our own emotional needs and cravings. This course offers a wide range of tools that will help us with combating digital addiction as well as practical ideas on how to create a healthier and exciting lifestyle.

Achieving Work-Life Balance

Having a balanced life is considered the most lucrative of treasures by many. However, a tension undoubtedly exists between our work and the other roles that are important to us. Long hours at work and obligations at home and elsewhere lead to increased stress. This leads many of us to pursue “work-life balance” – a life where work and life are in balance, but this reality is elusive for many. In this course, you will learn strategies that you can implement immediately, and that will help you better manage the interplay between work and life. Each strategy has undergone personal testing by...

What Do Businesses Know about You?

Technological advances have given consumers access to more information than ever before. At the same time, it's made it possible for businesses to have more insight into who their customers are. How exactly do businesses gain such information about their customers? And how are they putting this information to use? This course looks at these questions and asks consumers if they are comfortable with the way in which businesses and other organizations leverage the data that we produce.