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Basics of Stoic Philosophy and Practice

Ancient Stoic philosophy and practices provide a coherent path to a happier and more productive life. This course introduces you to the key Stoic authors, their most important ideas and insights, and useful techniques and practices.

Peace of Mind: How to Increase Happiness and Decrease Stress in Your Life

Do you want more peace in your life but don't know how to make it happen? Are you tired of feeling like everything is out of your control? Do you want to learn how to enjoy your life more? This course will teach you in 7 simple lessons what you can do to increase your happiness and decrease the stress you feel each and every day. We are discovering more about the importance of a healthy mindset, and the lessons in this course will help you understand you do have control over how you feel. Take the first step towards better mental health and listen today.

Developing Intuition

This "Developing Intuition" course is an opportunity to deepen not only your understanding of what Intuition is but also your intuitive abilities. You will learn some theories about Intuition in the fields of religion, healing, the science of the body, and the science of the mind. You will learn some practices with Mindfulness and meditations to deepen your Intuition. You'll also learn about using tools of Intuition and how to apply this to your daily life.

How to Let Go of Fear

Is fear or anxiety affecting your day to day life? Have you been avoiding certain activities for so long that you can't bear to imagine facing them anymore? Have you been putting off an important decision and telling yourself it's about timing when it's really about fear? Are you prone to anxiety, panic, or suffering from PTSD? In this course, we'll look at breaking down fear into its different components to better overcome it. You'll learn how limiting beliefs get formed and how to undo them. You'll develop an arsenal of proven techniques from NLP, CBT, and even Navy Seal training to...

100 Nonfiction Books Everyone Should Read

There are an estimated 129,864,880 books in existence. With about 1.7 million books published each year (71,000 of them audio), so there’s little chance any of us will ever catch up! Which are the best to read? This course will tackle that question. Fortunately, there’s some hope! Based on years of careful research and a well-balanced survey of the nonfiction category, this course will highlight not just great books to read and why they’re important, but a bigger picture of the nonfiction genre as a whole, and how to navigate your way to make your own best top 100, top 200, and beyond!

Become a Thought Leader: Increase Your Influence and Rise from Ordinary to Extraordinary

Is there a voice inside you telling you that you are so much more capable of accomplishing good work than you're currently doing? That you can be an influencer and you can become known for your talents, knowledge, and gifts? Are you afraid to listen to that voice? If you answered yes, this course might benefit you. It's designed to provide ordinary people – regardless of talent, occupation, or age – with the gentle push they may need to begin their journey to becoming a thought leader and influencer in their chosen field of interest. This course will cover how to change your mindset and...

Learning How to Think Clearly

Thinking is a tremendously important skill that we require every single day of our lives. We have to think to learn skills, make decisions, form opinions, and come up with new ideas. Despite all this, most of us don’t truly understand thinking or know how to think properly. In this course, you’ll learn which physical and mental factors impact your thinking ability and how you can use these to your advantage to think better. Once you’ve completed this course, you can apply the thinking techniques you’ve learned to get more out of all your future Listenable courses!

How to Read and Retain More

What do Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Oprah Winfrey have in common? They are all billionaires, and they all read—a lot. This course will help you discover the secrets to getting ahead with your reading. Within ten audio lessons, you’ll learn how the pros achieve reading success.

Develop Your Lateral Thinking Skills

Do you sometimes get stuck for ideas? Lateral thinking is an essential skill for anyone who wants to be a smarter problem-solver, an ideas person, and a creative thinker. This course covers all the key elements of lateral thinking and shows you step by step how you can harness its key techniques to boost your brain power and creativity. It contains many inspiring stories and examples as well as tips, tricks, and methods to improve your mental agility. You will come up with better ideas at work and in other walks of life. Lateral thinking skills will help advance your career. And you will be a...

Building Routines and Habits

In this course, you will learn the ins and outs of building sustainable routines and habits. Learn how to develop a framework for success that will help you make positive behavior change in your life. The course begins with an examination of intention and mindset. Then the course dives into how to build and maintain a new routine or habit. The course also covers dealing with setbacks in following a routine or habit, building breaks into your day, and morning and evening routines. After taking this course, you will be able to create new routines and habits that will stick. This course will...