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Conquer Fear of Public Speaking

Image Description Dr. Paul Harrison
10 lessons

Do you dream of giving confident, inspiring speeches and presentations, but the thought of public speaking fills you with dread? Do you get butterflies, a dry throat, or forget what you want to say and fumble your way through your talks? There is a solution! In this course, you’ll learn how to understand and manage your nerves, and develop confidence and authority when speaking and presenting. Using professional techniques, you’ll harness the breathing, posture, and self-knowledge to overcome panic and give more powerful, confident speeches.

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Mental Models: How to Make Better Decisions

Image Description John Robin
10 lessons
1h 1m

Everything you think about our world is based on a mental model. Every choice you make is based on the mental models that govern how you think. In this course, you’ll learn about the most important mental models, how you can recognize them in your day-to-day thinking, and how you can take control of your life. From the famous Occam’s Razor to the power of Bayesian Updating, you will emerge from this course with new appreciation of how to solve life’s big problems.

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Enhance Your Creativity

Image Description K.C. Finn
10 lessons

Writers, artists, dramatists, role players, and game designers: What do they all have in common? An incredibly creative mind, ready to invent, receive, and transform ideas into pieces of art that win awards and become bestsellers and crowd favorites. This course teaches real techniques to prime your brain for powerful creativity. You’ll learn how to remove stress, fear, and negativity from the creative process, as well as how to kickstart your brain into creative thinking with mindfulness, enforcement, and even playtime!

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Achieving Work-Life Balance

Image Description Russell Clayton
7 lessons

Having a balanced life is considered the most lucrative of treasures by many. However, a tension undoubtedly exists between our work and the other roles that are important to us. Long hours at work and obligations at home and elsewhere lead to increased stress. This leads many of us to pursue “work-life balance” – a life where work and life are in balance, but this reality is elusive for many. In this course, you will learn strategies that you can implement immediately, and that will help you better manage the interplay between work and life. Each strategy has undergone personal testing by...

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Building Routines and Habits

Image Description Jenn Schilling
10 lessons

In this course, you will learn the ins and outs of building sustainable routines and habits. Learn how to develop a framework for success that will help you make positive behavior change in your life. The course begins with an examination of intention and mindset. Then the course dives into how to build and maintain a new routine or habit. The course also covers dealing with setbacks in following a routine or habit, building breaks into your day, and morning and evening routines. After taking this course, you will be able to create new routines and habits that will stick. This course will...

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How to Be Good at Stress

Image Description Dr. Kimberlee Bonura
10 lessons

Stress is bad for your health, right? In fact, stress is a lot like blood pressure: Too high is bad for your health, too low is bad for your health, and the only time you have none is when you’re dead. Research indicates that stress is actually related to having meaning and purpose in your life. In this course, you’ll spend ten days transforming your relationship with stress. Practical exercises will help you build resilience by purposefully challenging yourself through good stress, re-channel anxiety into excitement, and rest and recover effectively. Are you ready to be good at stress?

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How to Have Breakthrough Ideas

Image Description Eileen Purdy MSW, M.Ed.
10 lessons

Breakthrough ideas are increasingly becoming a top-tier asset in today’s economy. They help us with everything from consistently generating viral blog articles to being able to solve problems at your work to having the next business idea that totally disrupts an entire industry—and everywhere in between. If you’re looking to set yourself apart and make valuable contributions wherever you are, cultivating the ability to see things in new ways or find new solutions to problems will help you do just that. This course will equip you with the tools, strategies, and information you need to...

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10 Habits of Successful People

Image Description Astrid Haszprunarova
10 lessons

In our modern times, we are often placed in front of the question of what makes successful people successful? Is it luck or the number of opportunities that these people had in life? The truth is that we're all presented with a number of opportunities for successes on an almost daily basis, and what makes the difference is how we approach them. In this course, you will learn the habits that separate people from those who will be able to succeed and repeat their success from those who will not. This course will help you to perfect your mindset and incorporate the right habits on your path,...

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How to Overcome Perfectionism and Fear of Failure

Image Description Nar Mina
16 lessons
2h 1m

Perfectionists are people who are supposed to be successful and happy but strangely are not. They are highly critical of others and themselves. They strive to achieve the best performance and goals in everything they do. Despite being wealthy, healthy, famous, and gorgeous, they are unhappy. Perfectionism makes you stay home, not take chances, and procrastinate on projects. It makes you think your life is worse than it is; it keeps you from being yourself; it stresses you out. This course will help you to give up perfectionism and start living a happy life. You will learn to overcome...

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How to Change Any Habit

Image Description John Fawkes
10 lessons

Any change we want to make—in our lives or ourselves—requires us to change our habits. This course will teach you everything you need to eliminate bad habits and create good ones. By the end, you'll know how to break or make any habit you want.

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