Career & Success Communication Skills

Presentation Skills

In conversations, people use concrete language to communicate with stories, examples, analogies, demonstrations, interaction, images and videos. Coupled with this, they use their voice, eyes, hands, body and emotions to add emphasis and punch. In presentations, however, people tend to speak in the abstract, fill their slides with bullet points, go way over time and speak without emotion or tone. This course explains why presenters do this and how to put it right. It gives many tips on creating content that you can present as naturally and energetically as you would in a chat with a friend.

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Created by Barry Brophy
12 lessons
1h 35m
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About the author

1 course

For the past 20 years, Barry Brophy has been helping people to use their conversational skills to make presentations. He works with clients in the private sector and teaches two masters courses on communication (mainly presentations) at University College Dublin. He also carries out research on why people communicate differently in conversations than they do in presentations. He has written two books, "The Natural Presenter," 2007, and "Awful Presentations," 2017.