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Neurological Disorganization or the State of Reversal and the Correction of Same

This lesson is a part of an audio course Finding Freedom from Shock and Trauma by Stephen Paul King

Willis Harman stated that, "A willingness to be transformed is an essential characteristic of the participatory scientist."

N.B. - If you are a therapist or practitioner, then I heartily recommend that you always do the Collarbone Breathing exercise with your client to demonstrate how to correct, enhance or maintain your own positive energy and neurological status. Benefits are well-being, coordination, clarity of thinking, balance, strength, ability to make wise decisions when under mental and physical duress, or stress.

The Neurological Disorganization correction procedure, which Dr. Roger Callahan referred to as Collarbone Breathing, is as follows:

Place the right index finger and middle finger on the soft tissue point just below the left side collarbone (K-27). With the left-hand index and middle finger of the left hand, tap the gamut spot (on the back of the hand, between the baby finger and index finger) while breathing in fully and deeply, hold the breath, let out half the breath, then the other half, then breathe in a half breath. Breathe normally for a few moments and then do the same with the other hand, i.e., left fingers now over to the right K-27 point and, with the index and middle finger of the right hand, tap the gamut spot and do the same tapping and breathing sequence. That connects the right brain to the left side, and vice versa. Then it needs to be done homolaterally, i.e., the right-hand fingers on the right K-27 point, the same tapping and breathing sequence, and then the same with the left-hand fingers on the left K-27 point.

As a bonus for all the times a therapist may demonstrate this exercise, they will probably find subtle or significant improvements in their own sense of well-being, overall coordination, and clarity of thinking.

Such techniques have been noted as effective for schizophrenics (Walther/Wakefield/Flint), as well as for dyslexia and other learning difficulties, and for improvement of coordination and physical gait.

For athletes, the benefits include the sense of well-being, balance, coordination, strength, and ability to make wise decisions when under any form of mental or physical duress/stress.

Dr. Callahan describes Psychological Reversal (PR) as being a state or condition which blocks natural healing and prevents otherwise effective treatments from working. Dr. John Diamond referred to it as the "Reversal of the Body Morality." A person may be fine in most domains of his/her life and be in a state of PR in just one area or a selected few. This PR state is usually accompanied by negative attitudes and self-sabotaging behavior. It can be as simple as saying East when you mean West or more seriously, as in dyslexia, whereby the sufferer may write upside down or backwards. A massive PR is a reversal in most areas of life, and a mini reversal is a block, which kicks in during treatment and prevents the treatment from being complete. A recurring PR is a reversal, which returns as soon as it is corrected.

One of the sometimes frustrating and elusive goals that we have as individuals can be the search for, and attainment of, our full potential. That can prove to be a never-ending journey, and maybe at some level, it is meant to be, so that we can continue to learn and grow. However, when it is painfully obvious that a person has all the right attributes but never quite "makes it," one needs to look beyond the obvious and look at what other factors may be involved.

Many of the clients I see can fully relate to the fact that at times they are their "own worst enemy," i.e., they know one thing, but do another. This is a state of self-sabotage and is, in effect, THE factor that needs to be recognized and treated/shifted in order for the path to potential and possibilities to be cleared. In fact, addiction has been called a "reversal of intent," i.e., loss of control, whereas dependency can be viewed as being when one has made a choice to continue usage, despite the known consequences. Although with my clients, we are mainly talking sabotage as it relates to addictions, I have worked with a number of athletes who have identified that the same issue has resulted in a lack of transference from their training intensity and times to actual performance and race results.

There are many examples on a world-class level whereby an athlete performs well at a National, Provincial, or State level, but then moves up to a major Games and consistently seems to "flunk" the opportunity to excel or to even perform to the level of expectation. This self-sabotage is not about a lack of ability or effort, and nor is it necessarily about a lack of desire. One has to recognize the role of the mind/body connection and how "What the mind dwells on, the body reveals." Again it should be remembered that this self-sabotage, which from this point on I shall refer to as a state of "reversal," can impact every aspect of our daily life – work, relationships, play, money, self-worth, etc. Many of us have experienced the feeling or have clearly stated that we are having, or have had, "one of those days." We have usually meant that nothing appears to have gone in our favor, or that no matter what we do, nothing appears to be turning out "right." This is what is meant by the phrase "being in a state of reversal."

There are some simple ways to demonstrate how statements, thoughts, images, beliefs, and substances can either be compatible with us or throw us into a state of reversal. As I have previously stated, I personally like to use AK (MRT or CRA) as the testing modality.

Whisenant describes PR as being "one of the most intriguing phenomena of AK" and states that PR is:

…a functional condition in which the left and right sides of the brain and subsequently, the right and left sides of the body are communicating diametrically different messages. It results from an overstressing of the organism in any of a number of ways. It can be a nutritional deficit, an environmental toxin or other chemical stressor, a physical assault, a prolonged exposure to temperature extremes, or the shock of an emotional upset. This condition has been labeled Neurological Switching or Psychological Reversal. When a person is Switched, there will be one side of the body that has been overemphasized. It seems that all of us have a favored mode of dealing with stressors and that mode dictates which side of the body will become overstressed. The method of discerning which side of the body is overloaded involves first finding a strong indicator muscle when the person is relaxed and looking straight ahead. Then the person is instructed to shift the eyes to one side and the muscle is retested after which the eyes are shifted to the other side and the muscle is again retested. If there is a weakness when the eyes are looking to one side - that indicates the state of being Neurologically Switched. Because of the effects of certain stated affirmations and goals this condition is also called Psychological Reversal. (p. 15)

A state of reversal was often called "resistance." It is not a moral issue, except possibly when it is consciously known and has resulted in illegal or harmful behavior, and a person chooses not to do anything about it. However, it is sure nice to know that we have the ability to self-correct it, whenever we choose to, with no cost attached, no pills necessary, and no negative side effects.

As previously stated, the body cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined. We know this as humans often have a physiological reaction to dreams/nightmares. We can, therefore, wake up in the morning, not even remembering that we have had a dream, or one which contained something our system/subconscious perceived as "negative." Then throughout the rest of the day may have found that one is tripping over things, figuratively and literally, saying East when meaning West. Many may relate to it as being when you feel or state that you have been having "one of those days." This is when we tend to go against our own best interests, self-sabotaging, living in a state of paradox or ambivalence, i.e., "knowing one thing, but doing another."

Some people create mountains out of molehills (molehill mountain climbers) and thereby create a pattern of anticipated disasters, always expecting the worst-case scenario plus! The psychologist Albert Ellis coined the term "awfulizing" for this phenomenon, and it has much to do with one's personal purview and expectation, making the need for healthy perceptual shift essential, in order that our best potential or the highest good can manifest.

Some healthcare practitioners, usually chiropractors and psychotherapists, use the term "neuro-emotional complex" (NEC) to describe an emotional response to a significant life event that has gotten "locked" into one's sympathetic nervous system. This may later manifest as a spinal subluxation, and a specific imbalance in a muscle or acupuncture meridian, thereby resulting in some form of ill health.

These same practitioners, like chiropractor Mike Greenberg of Brentwood, California (who worked with Track & Field Olympic gold medalists Kevin Young and Quincy Watts), use Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) to address the emotional component of a problem through spinal adjustment, similar in some way to Torque Release Technique. A branch of NET is the Neuro Emotional Anti-Sabotage Technique (NEAT), the purpose of which is to make certain that the client is congruent with whatever is desirable. AK can be used on simple statements such as, "I want to change the situation," and by analyzing that which is not okay, a subluxation adjustment can be made for correcting the same. This would appear to be identical to the concept of "reversals" and "correcting reversals."

Practitioners of Somato Emotional Release refer to Energy Cysts (EC) as being the residual localized energy which has been introduced into a client's body by external physical trauma, emotional trauma, pathogenic microbes of any type, exposure to excessive radiation and toxic substances. If the body is incapable of releasing or dissipating this externally induced energy, it remains as an EC – a form of disorganized, negative energy. John Upledger (CranioSacral Therapy. Illinois, Eastland Press. 1983) states that body cells and tissues (muscle, bone, teeth, fascia or other connective tissues or viscera) have the ability to retain memories of experienced trauma, and that the memory's emotional energy also gets stored and may get stimulated by the placing of a therapist's hands on the area of the emotional trauma.

Kahlil Gibran said that, "Pain is the bitter pill of the inner physician that cracks the shell of our understanding." Joan Borysenko said a seed could only grow into a flower when it has swelled and died. Likewise, our own ability to create newness in our lives comes from periods of crisis that force us to put (some of) our old behaviors and beliefs to rest. Anxiety, fear, painful memory, anticipation, stuck ego beliefs/protection, toxins, allergies, pollutants, etc., can all create the effect of reversal. For some, it can have links with an original sense of not getting unconditional love or acceptance – therefore, some level of self-rejection may occur and a belief that one doesn't deserve success/wealth, etc.

(‘Mind over Matter.' Derek Parker. Veteran Athletics Magazine. Spring 1997, p. 23) When physical attributes such as speed, stamina, strength, suppleness, and skill are virtually equal, the advantage in a closely contested race lies with the athlete who has the better mental edge. The objective of psychological preparation is optimum arousal of the athlete's mental, physical and spiritual resources – along with a realistic assessment of his/her capabilities and training or racing goals. Self-oriented thoughts such as the fear of finishing last or not running up to expectations are negative, destructive and purposeless. Conversely, task oriented thoughts are constructive, positive and purposeful. They reduce anxiety, fear and stress levels. They enable the athlete to fulfill his/her potential and to do justice to training efforts. _Peggy Claude-Pierre, who specializes in eating disorders, has coined the term Confirmed Negativity Condition (CNC). She wrote that, "An eating disorder victim must have CNC. Other possible negating manifestations of CNC may include depression, agoraphobia, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or somatic disorders (including any other way such victims may internalize their pain)." (p. 36) She also states that, "In order to correct the eating disorder symptom, the CNC must be addressed and reversed_." (ibid. p. 87) In other words, "When you are in a hole - STOP DIGGING."

The AIP's (Thought Field Therapy, Tapas Acupressure Technique, and Emotional Freedom Techniques) that I utilize in my counseling, all work on the basis of giving attention to the problem (addressing it), correcting any reversal, and then releasing the blockage, disturbance, or perturbation in the body's energy system.

The origins of these reversals can create emotional and/or physical blockages, which thereby stunt possibilities and potential, and creates "neurological backfiring" and negative cellular memory, such as have been written about by such luminaries as Alice Miller (For Your Own Good).

I will not go into great detail here as to how to clear major traumas – they will be in lessons 12, 13, and 14., but I wish to provide a simple, easy-to-follow protocol procedure for prevention and correction on a daily basis, so that your full self may always allow for biopsychosocial spiritual congruency and clarity of choices.

There are four reversal correction points that I would ask readers to consider and test out for themselves. These are ones that I use on a daily basis, first thing in the morning, and then again if anything has happened during the day that has caused some obvious energy disturbance, or if I realize that my reactions/responses are not coming from a healthy perspective.

The first one is to do what has been called the "adrenal massage," or, in other words, stroking up the conception vessel. This is accomplished by placing the index finger on one side of the belly button and the middle finger on the other side, pressing the fingers into the skin and stroking them up to the neck. When you get to that point, take the hand a few inches away from the body and repeat about ten times. Do not bring the fingers or hand back down the conception vessel as that will send you into reversal.

The second is usually for major (persistent) psychological reversal, but I use it on a daily basis. The Neurolymphatic Reflex (NR) Take two fingers and on your left side, press into the area around the heart (side of the compassionate heart chakra) and notice if you have a point on you, in that area, which feels more tender than anywhere else. If so, take the two fingers, keep them pressed into the center of that spot and then turn the fingers clockwise around that tender spot (kneeding). This acts as a way of dissipating the build-up of matter - getting it back into proper.

It is necessary to run the persistent reversal point in a clockwise direction; Glen Rein of the Institute of HeartMath speculates that crystal-like structures in the heart serve as transducers for converting and integrating higher-dimensional energies into the electrical system of the human body, producing electrical frequency data reflected in the ECG. (Brain/Mind Bulletin. Jan ‘94 p. 8)

The heart's electromagnetic qualities act on the matter in a similar fashion to a magnet with iron filings, and therefore matter that is not dissipated attracts and builds up in the heart area and causes clogging and pain i.e., such as what we might call a "broken heart."

Some further validation of this point has come from Dr. Lee Pulos, who wrote that:

The PR can be corrected by rubbing the neurolymphatic reflex (NR), located bilaterally just above the pectoral muscle and immediately adjacent to the anterior deltoid muscles. This acts as an electrical reset button, reconnecting the relevant circuitry. The lymphatic system is made up of valves that allow lymph fluid to flow towards the heart. The primary function of this system is to remove debris or toxins from the interstitial spaces. Lymph flow is quite slow in order to break down the debris, which cannot be passed directly into the blood stream. Rubbing the neurolymphatic reflex helps the body to ‘turn on' other reflex points or ‘switches' downline to increase lymph drainage. In other words, it is not the flow of the lymph which brings about the change, but the stimulation of a specific electrical communication system which activates a series of impulses which allow the body to communicate more effectively with itself. Thus subconscious blockages and self-sabotage patterns are removed so that the treatment will be ‘accepted' by the body. A useful metaphor for psychological reversals is to think of the subconscious fear as an overload that has come on-line. The effect is much like plugging too many electrical appliances into one outlet, which can blow a fuse. In terms of the body's energy, overload is a polarity imbalance (which relates to the body's left/right magnetic–electric fields and electron spin), which reverses muscle responses – yielding a ‘no' for ‘yes' and vice versa. Thus, the NRs act like circuit breakers that get turned off when the body/mind is overloaded (with fear, anxiety, energy toxins, etc.). (Shared Visions Mag. May 1999, p. 37)

Self-sabotaging, or self-destructive thinking, and action, or inaction, which is often just procrastination, can lead to a very pessimistic outlook. It can therefore also be said that having such a switched circuit can lead to, or at least can be linked to, depression and create great reluctance to look at possibilities or opportunities for healthy change.

The procrastinator's creed might be something like, "I firmly believe that tomorrow holds the possibility for new technologies, astounding discoveries, and a reprieve from my obligations."

Procrastination is the ego trying to protect us, but it is doing so based on outdated information!

Gary Craig, the founder of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), has equated this state to one in which the body's main battery has been turned or installed upside down, and therefore the power in it cannot be accessed until it has been corrected or turned around. These emotional blockages create abnormal patterns in the heart chakra.

I have mentioned elsewhere that, in a sense, we need to have an "emotional enema," as well as possibly a physical one. Dr. Richard Gerber states that for good health, we should have a constant and unimpeded energy flow at all levels of our energy system. He uses the analogy of plumbing, in which one must have adequate water input, no blockages or sewage in our pipes, and an

The third reversal correction point I would recommend would be tapping the side of the hand (karate chop point) about ten times. This is the small intestine acupuncture or acupressure spot and is used by Dr. Callahan (TFT), Gary Craig (EFT), and Dr. Whisenant (PK).

The Small Intestine is in charge of separating the "pure" from the "impure." Not only food, but also thoughts and information, feelings and emotions, sights and sounds need to be sorted, so that which is valuable or "pure" can be used, and that which is useless or "impure" can be discarded. Imbalance of the S.I. meridian can correlate with assimilative problems, on the physical or psychological level_. _(Teeguarden, 1987, pps. 106-7)

The fourth reversal correction point is directly under the nose, (sometimes called the "Peak Performance" point), which is the end of the governing vessel. This point should be tapped concurrently by the index and middle finger. This particular point appears to be very helpful for those who have memory blocks, such as when faced with an exam. Many people can be well prepared in terms of their studies, but suffer from ‘mind-freeze' or ‘going blank' once they have to produce the answers. For school children, it can be used, along with the other correction points, while their attention/focus/mindfulness is on the subject that they seem to have the most difficulty with. A.K. should precede, and follow, the use of the correction points so that one is able to see the difference in the level of resistance once a correction has been made.

I am only suggesting that if you feel that you wish to challenge any self-sabotaging/potential blocking thoughts or actions, it is only an investment of a few seconds a day for a month that might allow you to notice a difference in how you think about, respond to, or perceive the world and yourself. The reason for me suggesting at least a month is because studies have shown that it takes that amount of time of conscious effort to produce a new habitual response.

Again, there are many other possibilities for further exploration on specific issues, but for generalized positive energy, I suggest that you start by keeping it simple and using the four reversal correction points first thing in the morning, and then as and when you feel you need to shift any negative energy.

The protocol in a nutshell:

  1. The adrenal massage/zip-up.
  2. Tender spot near heart (neurolymphatic reflex), clockwise rub.
  3. Tap side of the hand – karate chop point.
  4. Tap under the nose – the Peak Performance point.

What is meant by disorganization? It has been defined as "…the act of disorganizing:

  • to destroy the organic structure or regular or systematic arrangement of,
  • to deprive of organization,
  • to throw into disorder or confusion."

The body, when functioning normally, operates in a predictable, logical, organized manner. If some factor from the structural, chemical, or mental side of the triad of health creates an imbalance of function, signals are developed for the body to attempt to return itself to normal in the fastest, most efficient manner.

There is an optimum function for the organism. When it is not functioning at this level, it is disorganized. (David Walther p. 131)

At the mental level, ongoing stress can occur as a result of hypoadrenalism, which affects so many things, including hormone and autonomic nervous system balance, as well as regulation of carbohydrates. The use of antidepressants and tranquilizers can often cause unpredictable disorganization, which will often show up when using AK.

AK practitioners will often refer to "switching" (another term for disorganization or being in a state of reversal).

One of the easiest ways to recognize signs of disorganization is in the reversal of actions or thoughts, like when someone does the opposite of what is being requested or says the opposite of what they mean. It really is the direct opposite, i.e., saying East when meaning West, but not saying North when meaning West. You will sometimes notice it when getting a client to do ND correction, asking them to use the right hand and they use the left instead, or state that they can't tell their right from their left, or always get confused over which is which.

Even stuttering, or its history is often caused by switching. The stuttering may be overcome, but the neurologic disorganization that was the original cause may remain and cause other health problems.

Lesson 10 will be on using Inner Dialogue.

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Written by

Stephen Paul King