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TAT Pose and the Three-Spot Tapping Points

This lesson is a part of an audio course Finding Freedom from Shock and Trauma by Stephen Paul King

Robert Schuller said, "Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future."

The TAT Pose and the Three-Spot Tapping Points is a technique that I have developed as a combination of energy healing therapies, which I believe to be the simplest method for cleaning and clearing shock and trauma.

If a person has had multiple traumas, then start with the earliest known issue that you or our client has an image or memory of. I recommend this be done in chronological order so that the metaphorical foundation of the trauma high-rise building blocks can begin to crumble the rest of the building. Break the foundation away, and then some of the floors will disintegrate and dissolve, as they will often contain many of the similar emotional elements of later trauma occasions, and this foundation breaking allows implosion and dissolution to begin.

At this point, not knowing whether it is shock (frozen) or trauma (moving) that one is dealing with, we begin with the simplest cleaning and clearing method.

The method – have the client go into the TAT pose - Jane Wakefield's fingertips shell-like around the ears (see author's photo below), i.e., place the fingertips gently on the head in a shell-like fashion around the ears, with the thumb at the bottom, and the pinky finger near the temple, until integration has occurred.

Ask the client (demonstrate if therapist or do so for yourself if you are working on a personal issue) to close their eyes and put their attention on the memory or image and to breathe fully and deeply from the diaphragm. Then ask if it is stuck or frozen, like a still photograph - or is it moving, like a movie picture?

If it is moving, then ask them to just watch or observe until it comes to some sense of completion or closure – or, if it 'freezes' at any point, to let you know.

If it is or does become stuck and frozen – that is when to use the Three-Spot tapping points.

Please see the diagram below for the tapping spots:

  1. Take index and middle fingers of both hands and place them on the Bridge of the nose and beginning of the eyebrows – (third eye spot, pineal gland – crystalline substance). Tap there for about ten seconds as you continue to observe the memory – You can tap fairly solidly and rapidly without hurting yourself.
  2. Tap the sides of the eyes for about ten seconds while observing the memory– this point is for anger/rage.
  3. Tap under the eyes for about ten seconds, whilst continuing to observe the memory – represents the stomach meridian – where anxiety tends to reside.
  4. Cup hands again around the ears ala TAT pose and re-check the image/memory to note what, if anything, has happened to that scene. If it has cleared, then great – if not, then it suggests we need to use the Inner Child/Adult Self-Reclamation exercise for shock, as the scene is likely 'trapped and frozen' and deeper work needs to be done.

All matter, even at the subatomic level, is formed of tiny drops of frozen light - a kind of focused mini-energy field, (ibid. p. 351), and according to Gerber, there are various quartz-like structures in the physical and subtle bodies that augment the impact of vibrational remedies. In the physical body, these areas include; cell salts, fatty tissue, lymphs red and white cells, and the pineal gland. (ibid. p. 344) The recognition of a crystalline substance being located within the pineal gland (third eye) allows for an understanding as to why tapping that point can have such an impact on a "frozen image." I often suggest to clients that when a traumatic scene appears frozen in their "mind's eye," they just tap the bridge of the nose/beginning of the eyebrow point. After a while, the image usually starts to move again, and the client should be able to follow the incident to its completion, with the full awareness of all "parts" that they have indeed survived.

The crystalline storage structure in the pineal gland may also be important to psychic receptivity, but its benefits could be stunted by some form of pineal calcification, which in turn could stop the natural process of relevant emotions as well as the pineal's production of melatonin.

In their natural ability to accept and hold a healing thoughtform, crystals are similar to magnetic recording media like the floppy disk. The life-force works through the blood, and consciousness works more through the brain and nervous system. These two systems both have quartz-like properties and an electromagnetic current. The gem elixir, because of its resonant effect on the crystalline structures of the pineal gland and spinal cord, which are intimately involved in the kundalini process, seems able to enhance the practice of meditation and to assist the individual in achieving greater spiritual illumination. The right hemisphere seems to be attuned to the higher dimensional fields of consciousness of the Higher Self because the right brain has unique crystalline connections to the pineal gland. (ibid. pps. 343-346)

Mel Kazinoff wrote about what he calls Monopoles and Melanin. Monopoles being microscopic cells within living organisms, acting as the interface between our outer world and our inner essence. Melanin being a complex chemical within us that seems to have the unique ability to self-create and which forms a microscopic crystal. This crystal is said to contain the memory of a resisted event in its entirety. He states that, "If we could access the memories contained in the melanin protein complex crystals and if we could then re-experience the memories without resistance, the crystal would dissolve and that resistance would be released." (Issues magazine - June/July 2002 pps. 32-33)

Great credit must be given to Tapas Fleming for developing the TAT method. She later added to this by including acupuncture points at the back of the head (where the brain's vision center is located) and noted even further improvements.

Tapas Fleming's own theory behind TAT is that a trauma is a stuck or frozen moment that continues to cause stress to the system, with some part of the victim trying to operate as though it never happened, based upon an inner belief that, "I can't survive if this happens to me." This will then create a duality, or a yin-yang imbalance, as it would be called in Traditional Chinese Medicine. With TAT, you are consciously and deliberately reviewing the original "trauma scene," and acupressure is being performed to points that focus energy on the eyes, and it would appear to allow or confront the part(s) of oneself that rejected the trauma, doing so as a tool for surviving its origin. It stops being a threat, and there tends to be subtle energy shifts and perceptual shifts that dissolve the duality and allows the system to relax, process, and heal.

Some explanation of the relevance of the TAT pose (originated by Jane Wakefield) and the Three-Spot Tapping Points are provided below.

Interestingly, the points around the outside of the ears that the fingers press into are numbers 17-21 of the Triple Warmer meridian.

Bridge of nose, beginning of eyebrow (Urinary Bladder – Fear, Restlessness, and Trauma). Headaches, bronchial asthma, stomach cramps, fatigue, rheumatic diseases, skin diseases. Glandular imbalances, irritability, depression, and confusion. Stimulates immune functioning and calms the spirit.

The "Positive Points" (on the forehead, just above the eyes) bring energy and attention to the frontal lobes where rational thought is available without a negative emotional overlay.

Research into the integration of laser and holographic technologies for storing information has been ongoing by both Philips Research Labs of Hamburg, Germany, and at Oak Ridge National Labs in Tennessee. There now exists the possibility of storing thousands of three-dimentional images in a single crystal. Crystals are used to create tiny lasers as well as light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and in addition, biologists have come to recognize that many of the cellular membranes and structures in our bodies are also liquid crystals. (Gerber)

All matter, even at the subatomic level, is formed of tiny drops of frozen light - a kind of focused mini-energy field, and according to Gerber, there are various quartz-like structures in the physical and subtle bodies that augment the impact of vibrational remedies. In the physical body, these areas include; cell salts, fatty tissue, lymphs red and white cells, and the pineal gland. The recognition of a crystalline substance being located within the pineal gland (third eye) allows for an understanding as to why tapping that point can have such an impact on a "frozen image," I often suggest to clients that, when a traumatic scene appears frozen in their "mind's eye", they just tap the bridge of the nose/beginning of the eyebrow point. After a while, the image usually starts to move again, and the client should be able to follow the incident to its completion, with the full awareness of all "parts" that they have indeed survived.

Side of the eyes (Gall Bladder – Rage). When there is a combined feeling of "being mad and helpless," i.e., rage, then tapping the side of outer eye plus the collarbone (K-27's) can be helpful in lowering the intensity.

Under eyes (Stomach - Fear). Restoring tranquility and peace of mind, impotence, and frigidity. The Stomach Meridian has been used very successfully to desensitize a patient to a fearful situation.

The Eyes. Healing can be that one's sensory perceptions become one, with the whole Self now using the same filter. The eyes may have frozen filters because what the eyes say is happening is what the rest of the senses believe is their truth, and we know that a belief is not necessarily THE truth!

The eyes may freeze the image that they capture at the moment a trauma is believed to be imminent, and this can therefore mean trapped/frozen light particles! C. S. Jordan and T.T. Lenington demonstrated that intense images of negative childhood memories are accompanied by changes in heart rate, galvanic skin response, respiration, and eye movement.

('Physiological Correlates of Eidetic Imagery and Induced Anxiety.' Journal of Mental Imagery. No. 3, 1979, pps. 31-42)

The eyes are attached, via meridians, to the stomach and, when feeling stressed, clients will often speak about getting "knotted up" in that region. When tapping under the eyes, you may often hear and see the client sighing. This is most often a sign that a wave packet of energy has just been released, and the client relieved of the "weight" of that energy they were carrying within them.

The eye registers the stimulations of light waves, while it is insensitive to sound. (Korzybski p. 235) When light enters the eyes, it first goes to the hypothalamus – the gland referred to in medicine as the brain's brain - since it not only regulates the body's life-sustaining functions, but also acts as a collecting station for all the information gathered by our senses and our psyche. Dr. Jacob Liberman feels that our openness to light has a direct correlation with our receptivity to things and situations in our lives.

Lesson 13 is Part 1 on how and when to use the Inner Child or Adult Reclamation exercise.

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Written by

Stephen Paul King