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How and When to Use the Inner Child or Adult Self-Reclamation Exercise: Part 2

This lesson is a part of an audio course Finding Freedom from Shock and Trauma by Stephen Paul King

N.B. The client should then return to the "frozen image" and begin the Three-Spot Tapping sequence in order to now totally clean and clear the original scene and, in my experience, the dissolution of the image and accompanying feelings begins.

I also suggest that, at the completion of this, one should thank the Self for having the courage to re-visit this painful memory and take time to feel how good it feels to have it gone 'lightened-up, no longer being a heavyweight getting dragged along with you wherever you go. I have had many clients state that they feel as if they have run a marathon afterwards and feeling tired as all that stored energy (the balloon) has been released. I urge them to rest and sleep once home if they are able to safely do so.

Interestingly my own observations of addictions make me feel that the major reasons for addictive behavior are as a reaction to Temptation, Anxiety, and Pleasure (TAP), which could also stand for Temptation and Anticipation of Pleasure/Pain or even the Temptation and Anxiety of Pleasure/Pain. Given that tapping is a big component of the technique, it's a fitting acronym.

What if there is the feeling, e.g., fear, but no clear image of what it is connected to. Then suggest that the client goes to the place within them where that feeling resides, and "Ask that part of you that knows to provide you with an image of what that feeling would 'look' like if it were to look like something." Ask them to trust whatever is presented to them and then to retain that image in the "mind's eye." With two fingers either side of the bridge of the nose and the beginning of the eyebrows, tap with the pads of the fingers. This will often dissipate the image, and lessen the intensity of the feeling.

A disorder called the Charcot-Wilbrand Syndrome refers to the generalized inability to conjure up visual images. The wide dispersion of brain areas involved in imagery, especially visual imagery - indicates the importance of imagery to the survival of the species. Normally, highly important abilities are protected by being redundantly stored, as in this case. (Achterberg p. 126) Sometimes you will find that a client does not have the capacity to 'see' images. In this case, their imagery may just consist of only colors such as black or red. Regardless, it is a good idea to focus on the color and tap either side of the bridge of the nose and beginning of the eyebrows - that will usually still "lighten up" the image and the body's general wellbeing. Others may not be able to "tune-in" to feelings (alexythymia) relating to a particular trauma, and often the use of other techniques will remove the protective sheath so that the emotions can finally be processed. Lesson 15 is on the subject of 'Embracing the Now and Maintaining the Momentum.'

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Written by

Stephen Paul King