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Changing Your Mindset: How Not to Settle for Less

A thought leader I personally admire is Seth Godin. If you’re not familiar with him, he is an American author and entrepreneur who has written several books on marketing, business, and leadership.

This quote from Seth Godin personally resonates with me: “I believe that people settle for less than they are capable of.” Let that quote sit in your head for a moment because it’s a powerful statement.

So, why do many people self-sabotage themselves into thinking they can’t be more?

Maybe it’s because we see so many successful people out there in the news, online, on social media platforms, to name a few, that we don’t think we can possibly become successful ourselves.

Or maybe it’s because we’ve been conditioned into thinking that it’s just the way it is. Or, perhaps we feel as if it’s just too much of a commitment – too hard with all of life’s pressures to even start down this path.

Have you put off thinking about becoming a thought leader and influencer because the timing is just simply, not right?

I know I have.

I have been guilty of settling for less than I know I’m capable of. But not anymore.

So, how about you? Can you take one small step towards making a difference in your piece of the universe? Can you change your mindset to become more than you are right now? Can you become an influencer and contribute the wonderful knowledge and talent that you know you have?

Because if you can, you can rise from ordinary to extraordinary to become one of the true thought leaders and influencers in the world.

If you’ve looked at my bio, you can see that I’m just an ordinary person. You’ve probably never heard of me before, and that’s okay. I’m not famous.

I’m a writer, an accidental mentor and coach, and an internet entrepreneur. I have a diverse background in management, and throughout my career I have not only been a business owner and entrepreneur, but I’ve also worked for other organizations in management positions in marketing, communications, and business development.

I also consider myself to be an introvert even though I have appeared confident in public speaking engagements and events.

I have learned to reach far out of my comfort zone to achieve success. Along the way, I have been in the trenches, have rolled up my sleeves, and have experienced tremendous successes and more than my share of failure.

But somewhere, underneath it all, and deep inside, I have always had the desire to help people become more than they think they can become.

Now, somewhere along my journey, I came to recognize without even realizing it, that I have been coaching, mentoring, and encouraging ordinary people for years to become thought leaders and influencers and better known in whatever area of their lives they choose to have influence.

And in doing this, I have been able to reach out of my own comfort zone to begin to maximize my own capabilities.

I know what it’s like to have talent and somehow feel paralyzed and incapable of action. And that is why I created this course. To help ordinary people, just like you and me.

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Written by

Carol A. Wilcox

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