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How to Get a Home Run

This lesson is a part of an audio course Become a No Excuses Runner by Heiko Stribl

In lesson one you have learned how to position powerful motivating thoughts and activate them whilst on your run. In lesson two you were taught how to dive into your run experience and enhance it.

Next was a milestone in your mental training. You identified and said goodbye to thoughts that hold you back. Thoughts you maybe never knew had such an influence on you.

In lesson 4 we went into the future to see a perfect scenario of the runner you want to be, to get that personal emotional reference point.

This brings us to lesson 5 of this Listenable course.

Here we will obtain a place to turn to where you keep a deep level of success. Your run success.That "home run feeling". Many people outside the US don’t follow Baseball, but strange enough everyone knows what a home run is. For me, if you mention a home run, what I see is a perfect swing of the bat, and a sound that echoes through the whole stadium as the bat and ball connect, slow-motion as the ball starts an impressive projectile. You just know in that instant, there is no doubt, this is it you follow the ball but it is so fast that your eyes need a few seconds to adjust to the daylight, and determine where exactly it is heading. And the height and speed are so impressive that you need to check the stadium wall, yes surely, it will clear it, by far as the crowd erupts. The board lights up "home run" as the hitter slowly & confidently starts his home run, passing the bases giving the odd nod & wave, enjoying every second every step, crossing the last base in victory. Goosebump moment right there.

That is my feeling of a home run. Yours might be somewhat different, but I think you get the point. Now, what exactly has this got to do with running?

Good thing you asked.

As human beings, we have a wonderful talent called imagination, something my dog cannot do. My cat cannot imagine she has a bowl full of food. We human beings, on the other hand, can imagine how we want a situation to be. I can imagine being someone else for example. Maybe you have never done this. I could imagine I am Bruce Springsteen. Guitar in Hand, stage, thousands of people hanging on every word I sing. Or Michael Jackson, just for a second imagines you are Michael Jackson. I seem to be Michael Jackson often whilst driving, and I imagine my vocal talents and singing skills to be on par at least.

Seriously imagine you are Michael Jackson, look at your white socks under those black trousers. See your face, the tiny nose, the black hair, you just wear one glove. And next thing you know you might even be moving your shoulder, do a quick turn your head left-right, and an “uh-hu”. Something is happening. In your body language inside of you. And the same way we can imagine being someone else, we can imagine being ourselves. In the past in a really great moment. Or in the future in a really great moment. On a past run where we really outperformed ourselves, or in the future where we experience a perfect race. Hey, remember the limiting belief is gone. Now an important part of this message. Your subconscious mind, it really is there to serve you. And it wants to always take you back to where it was the nicest. Because it wants to return there. It knows that there is such a feeling. That’s what I can feel, that’s where I want to go. And subconsciously it is doing everything possible to get there. Like a compass that you open up and the needle takes a few seconds to find true north. Or like your satnav, you entered the address, 30% 50% 80% done 100% route loaded: press “Start”.

And if then once you start, take a wrong turn, your Satnav will tell you to take the next one right. And the subconscious will do the same thing. Because it has a reference feel for where it wants to go.

What a coincidence we are talking about a reference feeling for the subconscious. Makes me think of one word, immediately comes to mind. Joy!

And everything we do; we can break down into two emotions "why" we are doing something. It is either to get joy, pleasure or to avoid pain. That’s the bottom line. It is part of our meta-programs. Going to or moving away. There are some of those that deep down do things to be sure that they avoid possible pain. This doesn’t mean that they are negative thinkers or pessimists. No, not at all. But they do things to be sure they don’t experience certain things. Now when I travel and visit seminars, I hear a lot about “thinking positive” or “always be positive”. Those are often away-from types that end up in a huge conflict. I am someone who often looks at problems, but it is said to “think positive”. But at that moment where I don’t look at the problem anymore, I cannot access my energy to keep on thinking positively.

That is the dilemma many runners face. I run to avoid gaining weight. Base it on a negative. Or I run slow so at least I am doing something. Now here is the deal. When a runner approaches me for a consultation, he or she wants to improve. I start off with this. Most reasons why a runner struggles are because of self-worth. Self-confidence. Self-awareness. They all build on top of each other. I cannot trust myself if I have no confidence in my abilities, and my abilities I need to be aware of.

What we then do is. And I want to invite you to try this. Remember only if you tried something can you comment on it. For the next few minutes, just put your experiences and ideas about this topic to one side. Then after you have listened to this content you can compare both knowledge bases. It is like going to a very interesting seminar, and the guy has a lisp. (As in wrong tongue placement, some people have it) And at the end of the presentation, you can say you counted 192 lisps, but cannot recall the content.

We are going to build a home run. A running home run. Now it depends on your level of fitness and what distance you can comfortably run. A distance you know that even if you don’t feel 100% great you will be able to do it anyhow. It is your go-to distance. For me it is an 8,65KM hilly loop. For my daughter it is a 4KM out & back flat route next to the river.

It should be accessible without a car. So you can just head out the door and warm up a few meters, and then you are at your start \ finish line.

What I would recommend is that your route, and again, it is a route you can comfortably run on a bad day. You should measure and mark it. Imagine those to be the 4 bases of your home run. I am sure you have a stopwatch, or smartwatch, but the point is to have a visual reference point.

As you will position on each “base” a turbo-boost, as described in lesson 1. The advantage is, that there is no time lost, in fumbling for your phone to check the distance or lose pace to try and read your tiny smartwatch display. As you pass the base, you know where you are, exactly, and you fully but 100% concentrate on your stride, your pace, you see each and every movement as if in slow motion.

Plus, what you will do is, and this works great if there is a loop or home run of 5K’s for example, you have a playlist.

For me it is, and yes, corny I know, amongst others: Chariots of Fire, Soundtrack of Rocky movie, I must admit I don’t even know what the soundtrack is called, but I clearly see him running through the market and flying up those 72 steps to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, powerful feeling.

And then you will start to create memories on this loop. You will make this your emotional reference point. Minimum 21 times. Where you have positioned emotional power reference points, engaging a turbo at each “base” or Kilometer. Having set yourself free from limiting beliefs you will prove that you have speed, that you can hold a strong pace.

Yes, of course, this is a short distance. And you may plan to run a sub 3:00 marathon. But if you have been struggling for a long time and have not been following through with a training plan. And your runs lack ambition. You are not making headway. All it is is a dream that causes frustration. And this “home run” technique will empower your subconscious to give you a feeling of “yes, I really can do it”. It will ensure you don’t just reflect on those hill repeats you have been avoiding but show and prove to you that you are capable of a fast run time.

And now for the most important part, pay attention. Every so often it happens. A runner came for an expensive consultation. And I called him after 2 weeks. “How are you doing? Yes, you know good, it rained a lot here so you know plus I had a bit of a cold I will start the running plan soon.

And I ask, have you done your home run yet?

Aah yes, I have been wanting to do it, but you know, Monday my son was a bit feverish, and on Wednesday I always have, but to do it on Thursday wasn’t convenient, I will do it Saturday.

Remember “tomorrow never comes”. And if ever there was a real fear of missing out, it is this. An incredibly powerful tool to build your running confidence. Don’t delay, set up your home run today. Do it for 21 days and build running confidence that allows you to progress to the next level.

Thank you for listening to this course on Listenable! I hope you enjoyed it.

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Written by

Heiko Stribl