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The Theories of Sigmund Freud

Image Description Psychology Insights Online
10 lessons

This course is designed to introduce you to the life of Sigmund Freud and to explore a few of his most significant ideas and theories. As one of the most prominent theorists in the history of psychology, Freud pioneered the design and implementation of talk therapy as a method for treating mental illness. In this course, you will learn more about Freud the person, his background, his beliefs, and his legacy. In addition, this course will provide a detailed overview of Freud’s key theories on the unconscious, human development, and personality. We will also discuss psychoanalysis, the first...

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Sci-Phi: Philosophy through Science Fiction

Image Description David Kyle Johnson, PhD
10 lessons

Science fiction isn’t juvenile escapism. It finds its origin in philosophical writings and is one of the fundamental avenues through which we engage with philosophical questions. Do we have free will? Could machines think? Could there be an afterlife? Does God exist? What is good and evil? In this course, we will explore these questions and more by seeing how they are raised in science fiction and how the world’s greatest thinkers have tried to answer them. After finishing the course, you will have a greater appreciation for science fiction and a better understanding of the philosophical...

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Masterpieces Of World Literature And Why They Matter

Image Description Alisa Miller
10 lessons

Throughout history and around the world, certain books have made such an impact on readers that they created a permanent place in literature. Often, these books illustrate elements of humanity that resonate with people, such as class struggle or finding oneself. Other times, what the book brings is so unique or groundbreaking that it serves as an example for the next generation of literature. This course will explore ten literary masterpieces from around the world and why they have earned a measure of importance.

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Women in Philosophy

Image Description Dr. Will Buckingham
10 lessons

Philosophy is about exploring the deepest questions of human life. But there is a significant problem in the history of philosophy. While women make up just over 50% of humanity, most philosophers throughout history have been men. This is beginning to change, but what happens when philosophy starts to take women’s voices seriously? This course aims to introduce some important women philosophers and to ask challenging questions about the relationships between philosophy, men, and women.

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The Molecular Building Blocks of Life

Image Description Dr. Bill Thomas
10 lessons

Living things are made from a dazzlingly complex arrangement of different molecules. Surprisingly, this vast diversity is achieved by a handful of fairly simple organic molecules. While many of these molecular building blocks are familiar, their biological roles are often misunderstood. In this course, we will define terms like amino acid, carbohydrate, and DNA and explain how they form the basis for all life on earth.

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Ancient Greek Philosophy

Image Description Dr. Will Buckingham
10 lessons
1h 2m

What does it mean to be a sceptic, or a cosmopolitan? Who was it who first talked about atoms? Why is it sometimes good to be a cynic? Why do Plato and Aristotle still matter today? Ancient Greek Philosophy will give you a whirlwind tour of some of the major philosophers and major ideas in the Greek tradition. We’ll explore some of the ancient world’s strangest and most profound thinkers. And we’ll ask what relevance ancient Greek philosophy still has for us in the 21st Century.

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Brain-Twisting Paradoxes

Image Description John Robin
10 lessons

There are paradoxes in our world that are so complicated, they can make your brain change shape. This course covers ten of the most challenging, brain-twisting paradoxes, collected across thousands of years of history from our greatest minds. Some even seem impossible—or at least, they tell us just how truly difficult certain truths are to grapple with. Take the challenge! Not only will you come out having tackled some of the world’s most mysterious problems, you’ll think differently about the world and bring these skills into your daily life.

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Why Read Homer's "Odyssey"

Image Description Robert Garland
20 lessons
2h 37m

Homer's "Odyssey" was composed over two and a half thousand years ago. Why should we bother to read it now? Because the "Odyssey" is about such perennial issues as self-discovery, exploration, nostalgia for one's home, becoming an adult, appetite for the unknown, testing oneself to the limit, and love of family. Not the least of the reasons for reading it at this time is the fact that it empowers women. It is also a fairytale brimful with one-eyed cannibals, witches, seductresses, and princesses. Odysseus' odyssey is consistently hindered and advanced by women. Discover how this work offers...

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The Rise and Fall of Athenian Democracy

Image Description Louis Markos
15 lessons
2h 21m

2500 years ago, the small city-state of Athens helped lead a barely-united Greece to victory against the massive, invincible forces of the invading Persian Empire. Out of that fiery crucible, a culture and an ethos arose in Athens that gave birth to the humanistic ideals on which Europe was founded and through which she prospered. In less than a century, the citizens of Athens either created or brought to perfection most of those arts and disciplines that still define our Western culture today. In this series, I shall trace the events that led to the birth and flowering of Athenian democracy,...

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What is Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy

Image Description Dr. Will Buckingham
10 lessons

“Philosophy” literally means “the love of wisdom.” But what is wisdom? And what can philosophy tell us about how we might be able to live more wisely? This course will introduce some of the greatest philosophers, from both the East and West, and explore the practical implications of their ideas.

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