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Personal and Interpersonal Communication Development

Image Description Victor Kercado
20 lessons
2h 25m

Have you ever been in a situation where you get stuck speaking or interacting with others? Would you like to become a better communicator in your everyday interactions with others? In this course, we'll be going through both personal and interpersonal skills that will help you develop into a great communicator. We'll be diving into communication from a practical, philosophical, and tactical perspective. You'll gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for your interactions with yourself, and others on an everyday basis.

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Leading in Uncertain Times

Image Description Wade Thomas
7 lessons

In uncertain times, people need a strong and steady leader to see them to the other side.  These times are as uncertain economically and socially as any that we have seen in our lifetimes. You can and should be a strong leader for your team, but how do you do this when you are uncertain yourself? After this course, you will walk away with the 5 actionable methods that you can use to be a successful leader for your people in any time of uncertainty.

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10 Habits of Successful People

Image Description Astrid Haszprunarova
10 lessons

In our modern times, we are often placed in front of the question of what makes successful people successful? Is it luck or the number of opportunities that these people had in life? The truth is that we're all presented with a number of opportunities for successes on an almost daily basis, and what makes the difference is how we approach them. In this course, you will learn the habits that separate people from those who will be able to succeed and repeat their success from those who will not. This course will help you to perfect your mindset and incorporate the right habits on your path,...

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Secrets of the Creative Mind: Tips to Boost Your Creativity

Image Description Paul Sloane
10 lessons

Creative thinking is an essential skill which we can all develop. Creativity means finding new ways of solving problems and new ways of seeing the world. This isn't a special talent restricted to artists, musicians, or writers; it is a useful skill for everyone, and it can help in all walks of life. You can use the techniques and tips in this course to approach challenges in new ways and to find better and even brilliant solutions. Creativity will make it easier to express your ideas effectively. This course will inspire you to start on your creative projects.

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The Customer Avatar

Image Description Andrew Alexander
10 lessons

There’s an old adage that states: If you’re trying to sell to everyone, you’re selling to no one. The same holds true with your brand message and marketing materials. One of the most important skills you can acquire as an entrepreneur, salesperson, or marketer is that of empathy. This is the ability to fully understand who your ideal customers are, how to reach them, what their life is like, the pains they face, the struggles they endure, and the dreams that they have. Using this intelligence will allow you to be more effective at sales, marketing, and business ownership.

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Passive Income: Fundamentals of Making Money Whilst You Sleep

Image Description Connor Look
12 lessons

What passive income is, how it works, and why it can make such a positive impact on people's lives. How it can give them financial independence and give them the freedom to spend their time how they choose, earning money without active input, so that they no longer trade their time for money. How they can begin creating and investing in the most popular income producing assets that will increase there income. Building wealth by increasing their income and decreasing their expenses.

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Efficient Time Management

Image Description Chris Croft
10 lessons

This course is designed to help you get as much as you can from your time and therefore, from your life. By setting clear goals and spending less time on unimportant things, you can achieve more and be happier. In this course, you’ll learn how to decide what’s important, how importance is not the same as urgency, how to set effective goals for your life, the five ways to get more done, the two lists you must have, three diary strategies, and suggestions to reduce procrastination. Don’t put it off—get this course right now!

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The Principles of Productivity

Image Description Abhinav Kejriwal
7 lessons

In this course, you will learn, through a hyperlinked, interconnected web of ideas and thoughts, 'what is productivity' and 'how you can be productive' to answer three simple questions: • How to learn better • How to work better • How to live better In the course, I will share actionable and philosophical advice that will help you understand what productivity objectively is and help you develop a subjective meaning of productivity for yourself. Tune in for learning about holistic, mindful, and meaningful productivity.

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Pocket Doctor: Understanding Your Health

Image Description Olivia Hang
20 lessons
2h 33m

Our goal in this course is to help you learn about common health issues so that you will be able to recognize symptoms and signs, know when to seek professional help, develop life-saving skills, and prevent illnesses before they occur.

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Easy Email Marketing

Image Description Keith Monaghan
9 lessons

This course is packed with decades of email marketing experience and keep-it-simple insights. It’s for small businesses, makers, and side hustlers like you who want to start creating and sending awesome emails to customers.