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Pricing for Entrepreneurs: Strange Truths About Money in Business

What to charge? What if I ask too much? What to do when clients don’t pay up? For anyone running their own business, money issues come up again and again, in both obvious and subtle ways. This course equips you with surprising truths about pricing and money conflicts, based on research, experience, and analysis. Learn the psychological and interpersonal dynamics of low prices, high prices, complaints about prices, pricing self-sabotage, why fairness is beside the point, and much more. There are no formulas in this course, only insights. After listening, you’ll know how to have a zen, neutral...

30 Biggest Mistakes You Need to Stop Making During an Argument

Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument is an exchange of ignorance. In this course, you'll learn the 30 things that are stopping your quarrels, debates, disagreements, and conflicts with people from reaching a sound resolution. We'll explore the critical errors that you make in how you communicate, in your mindset, and in the substance of your disputes. Then, we'll dive into your defensive strategies, your offense, and how you should seek resolutions. Learning how to handle conflict will make a substantial difference in all areas of your life. Today is the day to get it...

Productivity Hacks: Lessons from Top Leaders and Billionaires

How do the world’s most successful billionaires and entrepreneurs get results in their work? Learn from this tour of the work habits of ten of the most influential people on the planet, including Arianna Huffington (founder of Huffington Post), Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, Elon Musk, Marissa Mayer, Jeff Bezos, Howard Schultz, and more!

Money Academy for Couples

This course is full of actionable steps you and your partner can take to vastly improve your financial situation and relationship. In fact, if you use the tools available in this course, it can completely transform your financial life and relationship. It includes everything from talking about money with your partner to setting joint and individual goals and laying out a plan to achieve those goals. It also includes getting out of debt and saving for the future. The good news is you don’t have to be a financial genius or a marriage counselor to take advantage of these ideas. All you have to...

How to Build Your Career in Sustainability

The members will get equipped with the most essential soft skills to become successful in the field of sustainability. I will share the practical advice and unveil the secrets of how to build a sound, exciting and rewarding path in the environment & sustainability - whether the learners are starting from scratch or looking to find an intersection with their previous professional choice.

All About Pyramids

Have you ever marveled at the grandeur of the pyramids of Egypt? Ever wondered just how a civilization using the most basic tools created them? In this course, you'll discover the origins of the mysterious and enduring pyramids of Egypt. We'll see how pyramid technology evolves, from the pit graves of the first pharaohs to the mighty Great Pyramid of Giza. We'll examine construction techniques, and challenge outlandish theories. By the end of this course, you'll have a thorough understanding of not only why the pyramids were built, but how this amazing civilization accomplished them by...

The Power of Positivity

Negativity is all around us, and it is easy to get sucked in. When we put negativity out into the world, negativity is what we will get back in return. Training your mind to think positive thoughts will impact every aspect of your life. In this course, you will learn about how to apply new habits to your daily life. By the end, you will see how your life will change for the better by adding more positivity!

Organize and Prioritize Your Life
Do you ever feel like there is never enough time in the day to accomplish everything you want to accomplish? Of course you do, there will always be more work on your plate than you have time for! This is why we need to focus more on the prioritization of our work, rather than completing all of our work. Many people struggle with organizing and prioritizing their work because they simply have the wrong mindset. Not only do most struggle with this at work, but it is often worse at home. This course will dive into simple techniques you can use to prioritize work effectively to ensure that you...

Starting a Freelance Business: Ten Essential Tips

Working for yourself is a dream that many people aspire to, but how do you turn your skills into a fully operational freelance life that earns the most money in the least amount of time, and all from the comfort of your own home? This course covers the ten essential components which you’ll need to consider and develop in order to set your business up for success.

Making Weightloss Effortless for Busy People

If you'd like to lose weight without giving up your favorite foods or endless cardio, this may be the most important course you'll go through to help you make nutrition and dieting EASY. In this course, you will learn how to go from the unhealthy frustration of yoyo dieting to actually having a healthy relationship with food in a way that can accommodate those who tend to be "too busy" to make lifestyle and behavioral changes.