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10 Stories Great Leaders Tell

This course covers the 10 most important stories every leader should be able to tell at a moment's notice. Based on the bestselling book by Paul Smith, the author shares one example of each of the ten stories along with tips to help you find your own. Learn to tell stories to lead change, set a vision, drive strategy, sell or market your product, recruit to talent, and define your own leadership philosophy story, among others.

10 Champion Habits of Thought

You will not be the same, your relationships will be different and your business life will change. It will take practice but first, let's walk through these 10 Champion Habits of Thoughts that will make you rebuild your life.

Leadership: How to Be a Great Boss

This course is designed to help you be a great boss, whether you are new to management or have been doing it for a while but want to get some new ideas on how to be better. It’s full of practical tips that you can use immediately. You’ll find out what empowerment really means, how to avoid abdication, what being a Seagull Manager is, and what SPVEG objectives are. We’ll cover the difference between thanking and praise, the two dimensions of coaching, how to do a motivation review, and much more.