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9 Strategies for Making More Money and Getting Better Results Now

Not getting the results you'd like to have and think you deserve? Would you like to have your results come more quickly? What if you could achieve even better results with less effort? This course can help you improve the quality of your results, as well as making them easier to achieve, and ultimately experiencing positive results more quickly. The 9 Strategies for Making More Money and Getting Better Results Now discussed in this course are designed to help you achieve more targeted results, in less time, and with less effort. This program includes 9 concepts to help you: • stop...

Wealth Hacks: Tips for Generating Perpetual Wealth

This course is meant as an introductory-level course for those wishing to gain further knowledge of the fundamentals of wealth building, personal finance, and financial independence. Focusing on personal finance guidelines, tips, and tricks, and philosophy, this course emphasizes the necessary mindset required to generate a lifetime of wealth.

The Basics of Buying Residential Real Estate

Real Estate is not rocket science by any means although many make it far more complicated than necessary. The process of buying or selling Real Estate generally involves a number of basic steps that must be completed in order to succeed. Hiring a professional should increase your chances of success. Throughout this course, I will break the steps of buying Real Estate down into the basics and explain what we do and why we do it. My goal is to take some of the mystery out of what you think we do and clarify it so that the typical listener will be more comfortable with the entire process.

The Surefire Way to Improve How You Handle Your Investments

Ever wonder how experts achieve amazing financial success? Believe it or not, they don't make millions just because they are smarter than everyone else. There are plenty of broke geniuses. Rather, successful investors understand their own psychology. They know how to control themselves when deciding on crucial money matters. Join one of the top-rated teachers on Listenable, Douglas Goldstein, CFP®, who explains (1) how to start your financial plan, (2) how to set money goals that you can actually achieve, and (3) how to avoid pitfalls that ruin amateur investors.

How to Become Friends with Your Money

In this brief course, you'll be taught how to develop positive thoughts about money, understand how money works and develop strategies so that you can thrive while achieving your short-term financial goals.

How to Retire Early

Retiring early may feel like an impossible dream, but it’s closer to reality than you may realize. Early retirement is not just about no longer working—after all, you may really enjoy what you do—but it’s also about achieving a level of financial security that means you can choose whether to work or not. This course will show you how to start your own path toward financial independence and early retirement, including the math, the mindset, and how to lead a meaningful life.