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Building an Efficient Property Management System for Landlords and Property Managers

This course provides the foundation in setting up a property management system for landlords and property managers to build their real estate portfolio or 3rd party property management portfolio while focusing on the exit strategy to assist you in achieving your real estate investment goals.

Finance without Fear. Part 2: Double-Entry Bookkeeping and Cashflow
First, the hunters and the soldiers, the settlers and the prospectors, the ranchers, and the outlaws went West. The accountants followed close behind – and all hell broke loose. The Institute of Cowboy Accountants' most distinguished members – Hank and Josh – are travelling the old West with the aim of taking the fear and mystery out of business finance by illustrating basic financial techniques in an amusing and understandable way. In Part 2, they cover double-entry bookkeeping and cashflow. We hope you enjoy it.

The Roadmap to Increasing Cashflow in Your Business

Learn key steps to increase cashflow in your business, position your business to be recession-proof, and create that business of wealth and value. This course covers key areas in cash management and effective financial strategies to overspending in your business. This course is concise, yet covers areas such as how to pay fewer taxes, increase profits, and reduce wastage in your business.

Finance without Fear. Part 3: Business Strategy
First, the hunters and the soldiers, the settlers and the prospectors, the ranchers, and the outlaws went West. The accountants followed close behind – and all hell broke loose. The Institute of Cowboy Accountants' most distinguished members – Hank and Josh – are travelling the old West with the aim of taking the fear and mystery out of business finance by illustrating basic financial techniques in an amusing and understandable way. In Part 3, they cover business strategy. We hope you enjoy it.

Online Courses as a Source of Passive Income

What online courses are and how you can monetise them to build a source of passive income. By sharing your knowledge and skills through online courses, you are helping others who are interested in the field in which you are teaching, and it can be very rewarding, not just morally but also in a monetary capacity. You will learn how to find what to teach about, create an online course that fits your requirements, through to publishing and profiting from your course.

Profitability Strategies for Small Business Owners

Learn 10 practical strategies that you can use to improve your business profitability immediately. If you've hit a ceiling, or at a loss as to what you can do to improve your situation, then this course is for you. Your tutor has been in her own business for almost 2 decades and knows what it's like to 'hit a ceiling' and not seem to be able to move forward. At this point, coaching can help, or a course like this can give you the ideas you need to keep on growing. Business isn't complicated. If we do a series of things in the right way, then we will see results. These are practical steps that...

How to Invest in the Stock Market the Easy Way

If you're feeling left out watching other people make money in the stock market, learn the basics of how to invest. In this lively course, Douglas Goldstein clearly explains what stocks are and what professionals look for when investing, and he goes through the basics of mutual funds, Exchange Traded Funds, and index funds. He shares strategies so that you can learn to be an informed investor. (His course is for educational purposes, not specific advice; be sure to contact a licensed professional to get personalized advice for yourself.)

How Wall Street Impacts Your Life, and Can Help You Secure Your Financial Future

In this course, we will explore the world of investing. How it has changed over the past half-century. We will present some of the most important, free internet sites that you can use to give you the information needed to become a better investor. How Wall Street is constantly developing new and innovative products to help you achieve your investment goals. And finally, we will help you decide which style of investor you are. And what the best investment platform to fit your needs is. My mission is to help you become more knowledgeable and comfortable in the world of finance.

The Basics of Selling Residential Real Estate

Real Estate is not rocket science by any means although many make it far more complicated than necessary. The process of selling or buying Real Estate generally involves a number of basic steps that must be completed in order to succeed. Hiring a professional should increase your chances for success. Throughout this course, I will break the steps of selling Real Estate down into the basics and explain what we do and why we do it. My goal is to take some of the mystery out of what you think we do and clarify it so that the typical listener will be more comfortable with the entire process.

Simple Ways to Save and Build Wealth

Are you struggling to save money for your kids' college education? Do you wish you had the seed capital to launch a startup? Have your household expenses grown to the point where you can't afford to treat yourself to a weekly Starbucks caffe latte? If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, this course is for you. Simple Ways To Save And Build Wealth is a course designed to help you reduce everyday expenses, find hidden money and build wealth using simple but effective methods. The lessons are grouped into three sections: (1) Finding Money, (2) Cutting Expenses, and (3) Building...