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Mindfulness: Self-Care for Daily Life

You’ve probably heard a lot about self-care. Self-care means providing adequate attention to your physical and psychological wellness. In this course, we’ll focus on concrete, simple strategies that you can use to improve self-care in your daily life. We’ll be working within a mindfulness-based framework, and we’ll review a variety of gentle, easy-to-implement activities that you can use to take better care of yourself. Our overall goal is for you to feel your best and to maintain long-term motivation to keep taking care of yourself.

A Daily Journal Practice to Become a Better Person

There are many daily journal methods out there. Most people find that they don’t stick. The method you will learn in this course is not only sustainable, but it will also lead you down a path of self-mastery that compounds over days, then weeks, and eventually, years. It only takes 10-15 minutes a day, but as you will learn over the ten audio lessons of this course, those 10-15 minutes will double, if not triple, the power you gain over your choices and direction in life and help you become a better you by changing how you think from the inside out.