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Teaching your Kids Fairness, Justice, Forgiveness, and Gratitude

Image Description Paul Andrew Smith
7 lessons

In this course, we'll talk about two sets of related character traits. Fairness and justice that are obviously related. Plus, forgiveness and gratitude, which are also highly related, just not as obviously so. You'll hear about people from all walks of life and the specific moment they learned a lifelong lesson about each of those character traits, and the surprising impact it had on them. It's another course from bestselling author Paul Smith drawn from interviews he conducted with hundreds of insightful people in 25 countries around the world as they discuss their most poignant life...

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Teaching your Kids About Friendship and Social Intelligence

Image Description Paul Andrew Smith
9 lessons

In this course, we'll talk about friendship and social intelligence – essentially, how to navigate the difficult waters of social interaction with our peers. You'll hear about people from all walks of life and the specific moment they learned a lifelong lesson about dealing with friends and peers, and the surprising impact it had on them. It's another course from bestselling author Paul Smith drawn from interviews he conducted with hundreds of insightful people in 25 countries around the world as they discuss their most poignant life lessons.

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Thriving through Caregiver Compassion Fatigue

Image Description Jessica Temple
8 lessons

Members will learn how to thrive and live full lives while raising children with special needs. They will learn what compassion fatigue is, signs and symptoms, and lots of strategies to beat compassion fatigue and burnout, including mindfulness, self-care, and dialectical behavior therapy strategies in order to live their best life!

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How to Teach Your Child to Be More Resilient

Image Description Dr. Lindsay Weisner
8 lessons
1h 4m

Have you ever noticed that some children will easily bounce back from disappointment, while others seem stuck in their sadness for days? Resilience, or the ability to bounce back after things go wrong, is a skill that we can teach our kids, the same way we teach them to tie their shoes and say please and thank you. In this eight-lesson course you will learn how to give your child the skills to be more flexible in life, and more adaptable in this unpredictable world.

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Have a Career and Be a Good Mom: How to Redefine Working Motherhood

Image Description Jenny Elliott
7 lessons

This course will help Modern Working Moms understand their identity, how their careers relate to their identity, and why women tend to lose themselves in motherhood. It will provide exercises, tools, and resources to redefine and embrace working motherhood to ease mom guilt. It will empower you to make changes in your mindset to challenge societal messages telling women they don't deserve a career or fulfillment outside of motherhood.

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How to Get Your Non-Athletic Teenager to Start Running

Image Description Heiko Stribl
10 lessons
1h 6m

After listening to this course (and doing), you will have more skills and tools to communicate with your teenager about running and exercise, and it will help you and him or her to get from A to B. Which will lead to improved self-esteem of your teenager. And if all goes well, will increase the level of self-responsibility. With these methods, I am striving for a long-term approach, a valuable approach. Each child, each teenager, is valuable in his own capabilities and possibilities. And each youth deserves and needs to be supported.

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Natural Learning for You and Your Kids

Image Description Justus Frank
13 lessons
1h 12m

The growth of a child as they explore their world is a particularly fascinating and wonderful thing to see. The main purpose of this course is to help you take part in their explorations in a way that brings enjoyment and fulfillment to both of you. In natural learning, the aim is to let go of every form of coercive teaching and parenting, as these result in ineffective learning. Effective learning occurs for everyone in your family when you are all able to learn naturally, that is, actively and motivated by curiosity, playfulness, and a connection with others.

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The New Father's Survival Guide: Breaking the Stigma of New Fatherhood

Image Description Dave Olander and Ryan McDonough
10 lessons

There is no clear-cut path that is shown on being a new father. We are given piecemealed advice and told we'll figure out the rest as we go. This course is designed to prepare to survive the wild world that is new fatherhood. This course is for you, the new dad who doesn't want to fit the stigmas society has thrown our way. We will break down, in three phases, how to overcome, and ultimately survive the stigmas with being a new father.

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The Quirky Preschooler: Help Your Kids Succeed

Image Description Scott Harmon
11 lessons

Some preschoolers struggle. They may be a little quirky and do things a little differently. Or maybe they have a hard time paying attention or have disruptive behaviors. Learn why this might be and how to help them succeed at preschool and in life.

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Is Adopting a Child Right for You?

Image Description Susan David and Sally Ankerfelt
7 lessons

Have you wondered whether adopting a child would be a good choice for you? Adopting a child means that you have decided to start a family or add to your family. Both are joyous decisions. And as we know, creating a family is one of the most important decisions of your life. Our goal in this course is to help you learn if adopting a child is the right choice for you.

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