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Everyone Has a Podcast Now, So Why Not You, Too?

Image Description Mike Hanson
7 lessons

Podcasts are all the rage and it seems everyone has one these days. If you're thinking you want to join the podcast craze but are not sure how (or even what a podcast is), this course will take you through the basic steps you need to take to turn your idea into something other people will listen to. Maybe you think your business needs a podcast as part of its marketing. Maybe you have a passion you want to explore in-depth. Whether for fun or as a way to earn money, you'll learn practical skills to get going, get answers to simple but necessary questions when starting, figure out if you want...

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Ancient Greek Philosophy

Image Description Dr. Will Buckingham
10 lessons
1h 2m

What does it mean to be a sceptic, or a cosmopolitan? Who was it who first talked about atoms? Why is it sometimes good to be a cynic? Why do Plato and Aristotle still matter today? Ancient Greek Philosophy will give you a whirlwind tour of some of the major philosophers and major ideas in the Greek tradition. We’ll explore some of the ancient world’s strangest and most profound thinkers. And we’ll ask what relevance ancient Greek philosophy still has for us in the 21st Century.

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Elevate Your Success

Image Description Lulu Minns
20 lessons
1h 8m

During this course participants will understand how to change their definition of success and create a success plan that is personalised to them and their needs. Using an embodied approach, students will learn how to empower their minds, lead from the heart, and take elevated action to create success on their own terms.

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Stress Relief Techniques in 10 Minutes (Or Less) a Day

Image Description Kristin Nicole
18 lessons
1h 31m

In this interactive course, you will learn how to reduce your stress or temporary anxiety using techniques that range from approximately 90 seconds to 10 minutes. You will learn various breathing techniques, introductory mindfulness and meditation options, gratitude practice, the importance of affirmations, how to create meaningful affirmations so that you can start to shift your mindset, journaling with intent, and lastly, but most certainly not least, how your diet affects and relates to your emotional well-being.

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7 Steps to Resolving Any Argument in a Relationship

Image Description Dr. Olivia Richman and KC Gerety
8 lessons

How can you empower yourself within your relationship, to get free of any breakdown, upset, or argument and come out on the other side stronger than when you went in? This course is precisely about how to work through any argument, step by step, and let it go once and for all. It will take vulnerability, courage, and authenticity, but we will get you there if you're willing to put in the work.

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10 Billionaires and Their Lessons on Success

Image Description John Robin
10 lessons
1h 1m

There are more than 2,000 billionaires in the world. Though many of us have heard of Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg, the billionaire community is diverse and spans almost every country. With a wealth of stories to learn from, this course delves into the lesser-known nuances of what it takes to become a billionaire success. With ten lessons based on a diverse study of billionaires from all continents, both men and women, this course will give you a new appreciation for the kind of thinking that governs some of the world's wealthiest individuals, and how you can apply that to...

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How to Get Media Coverage for Your Small Business

Image Description Lynford Morton
12 lessons

In this course, you will learn how PR pros pitch and get news coverage. More importantly, you will learn how you can do it for your business. It is possible to get the media to cover you for the good things you do in your business. The lessons of this course will outline the process of successfully pitching the media and then how you would work with them to get your story placed. By the end of this course, you will be able to create a pitch, get it to the right media outlet, and help them tell a story that is favorable to you and your business.

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How to Thrive During Uncertainty

Image Description Julia Barbosa
8 lessons

Uncertainty can make us uncomfortable. Sometimes we want to avoid change. Research shows that the majority of people respond negatively to change. But change and uncertainty are not only part of life, they also contribute to a life of happiness and purpose. This is a creative and practical course that will challenge you to think differently about change, and to embrace uncertainty as part of a fulfilling life. In this course, you will learn why it can be difficult to cope with uncertainty and change. You will discover simple and useful tools to deal with uncertainty. And you will explore...

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Negotiation Skills

Image Description Chris Croft
10 lessons

In this negotiation course, you will learn simple but effective techniques that can save you money both at home and at work, buying or selling. Whether you’ve never negotiated before or you’ve been doing it for a while, this course will certainly give you some new practical tips to use straight away.

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Blog Content Writing

Image Description Ayse Balkose
10 lessons
1h 14m

This audio course aims to teach listeners to define "the reader's profile", brand identity, writer's voice as well as show the steps to structure the content according to motives and intents of the reader/audience, blog, and blog post. This course is an ultimate guide to creating compelling intent-based content packed with examples on how to generate keywords, keyword phrases, and semantic words through decoding the reader's intent and blog's products. The course teaches the fundamentals of creating compelling content and peels off multiple abstract layers of concepts that go into the blog...

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